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What is a 360° HDRI and How To Use It?

What is a 360° HDRI and How To Use It?

We often get requests from aspiring CG artists or 3D students asking us how they can use our 360° HDRIs and the technicals behind each HDRI map. It got us thinking about that barrier that can be hard to pass as an enthusiastic CG artist that wants to progress from...
How To Shoot a 360° HDRI?

How To Shoot a 360° HDRI?

We often get asked, “what’s the best way to capture a 360° HDRI”? There’s no secret sauce ( well perhaps just a little   ), so we’ve detailed the basics of the process, and best practices that will help you capture the best assets that will allow you to make the...
Celebrating World Photography Day!

Celebrating World Photography Day!

It seems a thousand years ago when I was starting my photography journey back in Belfast during the troubles of the ’70s, shooting the punk bands and the lively characters on the streets of Belfast with my little Hanimex C110 camera. A miserable little camera to use,...