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In the cutting-edge realm of automotive visualisation, 360 HDRI (High Dynamic Range Imaging) technology has become the cornerstone of creating photorealistic digital environments. This article delves into the technical intricacies of implementing HDRI in automotive configurators, exploring advanced techniques and their impact on the visualisation pipeline.

Advanced 360 HDRI Capture Techniques

Here at Domeble we spend a lot of time perfecting capture techniques and achieving ultimate dynamic ranges at the highest resolutions, and we truly understand that professional HDRI capture for automotive applications goes far beyond simple bracketed exposures. Let’s examine the technical aspects that set apart high-quality automotive HDRI:

1.Dynamic Range Optimisation: 

Capturing the full dynamic range of automotive environments often requires pushing beyond the typical 32-bit float HDR format. We typically use advanced techniques like multi-pass HDR capture to achieve dynamic ranges exceeding 20 stops, particularly in the highlights and shadows, which is  crucial for accurately representing both the deep shadows of a vehicle’s undercarriage and the specular highlights on chrome trim.

2. Colour Calibration and Spectral Sensitivity: 

High-end HDRI capture utilises colour calibration techniques that account for the spectral sensitivity of digital sensors. This involves using tools like X-Rite Colour Checker Passport and custom colour profiles to ensure accurate colour reproduction across different lighting conditions and material properties, and on site capture spheres as reference for render tones and colours.

3. High-Resolution Capture: 

While 8K resolution is becoming standard, leading-edge automotive HDRI often pushes to 16K, and in the case of Domeble our default capture targets are 32K resolution (we’ve recently been testing captures at 60k also). This level of detail is crucial for close-up renderings and VR applications where the environment map may be viewed at close range.

4. Multi-Axis Nodal Point Alignment: 

To eliminate parallax errors that can affect the accuracy of reflections, advanced HDRI rigs employ multi-axis nodal point alignment. This ensures that the capture point remains consistent across all exposures and rotations, critical for seamless 360° environments.

HDRI Integration in Rendering Pipelines

The application of HDRI in automotive configurators involves sophisticated rendering techniques:

Image-Based Lighting (IBL) and Global Illumination

Modern rendering engines utilise HDRI as the primary source for image-based lighting (IBL). This goes beyond simple environment mapping:

1. Importance Sampling:  Advanced IBL techniques use importance sampling algorithms to efficiently sample the HDRI for global illumination. This allows for accurate soft shadows and subtle light bounces that are crucial for realistic rendering of automotive materials.

2. Spherical Harmonics Decomposition: For real-time applications, HDRI environments are often decomposed into spherical harmonics. This technique allows for efficient real-time global illumination approximations, crucial for interactive configurators.

Material Response and BRDF Integration

The interaction between HDRI lighting and automotive materials is a key focus area:

1. Physically Based Rendering (PBR): Modern automotive configurators rely on physically based rendering techniques. This involves the use of complex BRDF (Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function) models that accurately simulate how different automotive materials – from clear coats to metallic flakes – interact with the HDRI environment.

2. Anisotropic Reflections: For materials like brushed aluminium or carbon fibre, anisotropic BRDFs are employed to accurately represent directional reflections. The high level of detail in professional HDRI captures is essential for these effects to be convincing.

Advanced Visualisation Techniques

The automotive industry operates with precision and efficiency. This is no different when it comes to processes used in the high end immersive and visualisation space, and the recreation of real time, real world outputs.

Real-time Ray Tracing and Hybrid Rendering

The latest automotive configurators are leveraging real-time ray tracing capabilities:

1. Hybrid Rendering Pipelines: Combining traditional rasterisation with ray-traced reflections and global illumination allows for a balance between performance and visual fidelity. HDRI plays a crucial role in providing accurate data for both the rasterised and ray-traced elements of the scene.

2. Denoising Algorithms: To make real-time ray tracing feasible, advanced denoising algorithms are employed. The quality of the HDRI directly impacts the effectiveness of these algorithms, particularly in areas of subtle lighting transitions.

HDRI-Driven Procedural Environments

Beyond static environments, advanced configurators are now employing procedural techniques driven by HDRI data:

1. Parametric Environment Generation: Using machine learning algorithms trained on extensive HDRI datasets, some systems can now generate or modify environments procedurally. This allows for dynamic time-of-day changes or even location adjustments based on user preferences.

2. Reflection Probe Arrays: For complex scenes, arrays of reflection probes are used to capture localised lighting information. These probes are populated based on the primary HDRI but allow for more accurate local reflections and light interactions.

Technical Considerations in VR and Real-time Applications

High-Performance HDRI Compression

For VR and real-time applications, efficient HDRI compression is crucial:

1. Streaming HDRI Formats: Formats like Pixar’s OpenEXR ( the standard output format used at Domeble) with tiled mipmaps allow for efficient streaming of high-resolution HDRI data, enabling dynamic loading of detail levels based on view distance and angle.

2. GPU-Based Importance Sampling: Modern GPUs can perform importance sampling directly on compressed HDRI formats, allowing for efficient real-time global illumination without fully decompressing the entire HDRI.

Temporal Stability in VR

Maintaining temporal stability in VR environments is critical for user comfort:

1. Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA) with HDRI: Advanced TAA techniques are employed to ensure stable reflections and lighting from HDRI sources in VR, often involving temporal accumulation of samples across frames.

2. Motion-Aware Environment Mapping: To prevent the “shower door effect” in VR, where the environment appears to move with the viewer, sophisticated motion-aware environment mapping techniques are used, often involving real-time parallax correction based on HDRI depth information.

Future Directions and Emerging Technologies

AI-Enhanced HDRI Capture and Processing

The future of automotive HDRI lies in AI-enhanced workflows:

1. Neural HDRI Reconstruction: Machine learning models are being developed to reconstruct high-quality HDRI from limited exposure brackets or even single exposures, which could potentially streamline the capture process, and we will be launching this on Domeble soon.

2. Semantic HDRI Understanding: AI algorithms are being employed to understand HDRI environments, allowing for intelligent editing and compositing of automotive scenes.

Real-time Global Illumination Advancements

Emerging techniques are pushing the boundaries of real-time global illumination:

1. Path Guiding: Advanced path guiding techniques are being developed to more efficiently sample HDRI environments in real-time ray tracing scenarios, potentially enabling fully path-traced automotive configurators in the near future.

2. Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF): Research into NeRF technologies shows promise for creating navigable 3D environments from HDRI data, and used in conjunction we real world HDR’s opens up amazing visualisation options, potentially allowing for more immersive and interactive automotive visualisation experiences.


The integration of high-fidelity 360 HDRI technology in automotive configurators represents the convergence of advanced imaging techniques, sophisticated rendering algorithms, and cutting-edge real-time graphics technologies. As we push the boundaries of visual fidelity and interactivity, the role of high-quality HDRI capture and processing becomes increasingly crucial.

For professionals in automotive visualisation, staying abreast of these advanced HDRI techniques and their integration into modern rendering pipelines is essential. The future promises even more exciting developments, and with AI and machine learning poised to revolutionise how we capture, process, and utilise HDRI in creating hyper-realistic automotive experiences.

By leveraging the power of 360 HDRI maps, automotive configurators can push the boundaries of what’s possible, creating the next generation of vehicles that will captivate consumers and set new standards for the industry. Should you want to know more contact us at or try out our free samples here.