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An Insight Into Domeble’s ECO values & Objectives

Domeble’s Journey Towards Sustainable CGI Production

Here at Domeble we strive to reduce the production of carbon emissions  that our industry creates, and are doing our bit towards decreasing global carbon emissions in every process and workflow that we have. Despite being a small but ambitious company, we never compromise on our goals when it comes to sustainability, and we’re always looking for new ways to achieve our eco-friendly processes.

Production Perspective

 We started by implementing less transport footprints, by extending the time we spend shooting in in one area, and reducing our frequency and distance of travel to locations. Artificial intelligence has improved shoot production planning, by providing a more efficient workflows, travelling lighter, reducing plastics and minimising power usage when possible. In addition to these eco production reductions, once on Location, our eco ethos extends to using solar recharging of batteries whilst shooting, and 

When it comes to office and post production processes, we encourage the Domeble team to work smarter, and conserve energy use wherever possible, and have  implemented remote collaboration tools to reduce the need for travel altogether, ensuring that our teams can work efficiently from different locations without the environmental impact of commuting or traveling for meetings.

Research and Innovation

 The pandemic made all of us focus on a different way of working, and from a Domeble perspective we asked the question – How can Domeble content and 360 immersive VR services reduce carbon emissions in the context that they are used in? 

Through a research and development programme (sustainable Innovation Fund) managed by Innovate UK, we have developed game-changing immersive process. By developing photogrammetry scenes and 360° HDRI map integration, we created a content solution that helps reduce emissions by minimising and reducing the human engagement of the car purchasing funnel, and indeed the configuration engagement of the consumer in a virtual space.

As part of our research grant we produced a report that showed that our immersive scene processes  and consumer habit change proposals had a dramatic outcome on carbon emissions.

Even as a small cog in the giant machine of automotive visualisation and immersive configurators, our report illustrated the impact that our research could have.

The report indicated that our research could produce an annual saving of of 67,743 tCO2e by 2030, and 85,671 tCO2e in 2050.

Which is the equivalent of: 

  • The equivalent of the carbon footprint produced by 3,350 UK homes a year
  • 1,817 return flights from London to New York
  • or, 3,100,000 trees.

Environmental Impact of Our Products

Domeble’s 360° HDRI maps and CGI backplates are produced in a fashion that leaves a very minimal carbon footprint. We advocate for digital goods over physical ones to reduce manufacturing waste, and are increasingly conscious of efficient workflows that that we can be part of throughout the global automotive visualisation arena.

Green Initiatives and Programs

Encouraging the Domeble team to actively participate in local environmental conservation projects and encourage their adoption of eco-friendly habits, so that we are all on the same mission to give our planet a fighting chance.

We want our sustainability efforts to be a testament to the beliefs we have as an organisation, and hope that our dedication to a greener future for us all is one that we can bring to the creative world.