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Awards and prizes are an added bonus to the recipients and winners of any visual competition, but its the exposure of winning that really matters. This is particularly relevant to students in the arenas of 3D visualisation, CGI, VR and VFX, whose career depend on both their technical and creative skills, and the Domeble Symetri Student Awards (DSSA) offer a gateway to the industry for these students.

We often get asked how did they start? why do you host them? what are the categories?, as well as a bunch of other questions. We decided to write this deep dive blog into the awards, to answer all the questions, and highlight exactly why the the DSSA are so pivotal in kickstarting your career into the industry.

How did DSSA come about?

The Domeble Symetri Student Awards were founded in 2021 by CG visualisation experts Nick John and Carl Lyttle. The idea for the awards came about after a few trips down memory lane, reminiscing about when they were students. Carl was lucky enough to have won a major student award at his time at Bournemouth Arts University (then BPCAD), and it was this that sparked the idea for DSSA.

Nick and Carl both realised how difficult it can be for students in the 3D CGI , VR and VFX industries to get that first foot through the door, and with the creation of the DSSA, the boys knew that they could provide a platform for visualisation and 3D students to be seen by the industry.

Best-in-Industry Exposure

Each participant has an exceptional opportunity to have their work reviewed by some of the best experts in this field. For aspiring artists wanting to get their name out there, this exposure is vital, it gets your work in front of the eyes and can present options for students with careers on a path. Winning doesn’t matter here, getting your foot in the door does.

Career Kickstart

It helps more than you can quantify, being nominated or even winning this globally important competition could easily change your future life and career! Safe to say all our ex-participants are now placed at renowned companies. The awards are already creating a legacy of amazing success stories with our past winners now working at places like Bentley, JLR, Drive, McClaren and Siemens to name just a few.

Professional Feedback on the Fly

One of the unique benefits Domeble Symetri Student Awards offer is the feedback from industry professionals. This feedback is essential in helping the students expand their careers but it also provides learning materials that can assist them with refining and improving their project to industry level. It changes approaches to work and professions – knowing how notorious professionals evaluate your job is one of the most essential game-changers.

Professional Validation

Winning or being shortlisted in this competition brings out the professional worth of an individual; it recognizes your talent as well as creativity before noteworthy industry leaders. Being recognized like that can boost your job prospects and help you to get a jump-start in gaining employment (or further work) at the professional level.

Great networking opportunities

The competition is a goldmine for networking. Not only do the winners and award ceremony attendees get to meet with influential figures, who could provide internships, employment and collaborations, the judges of the competition are some of the most respected names in the industry. Creating these relationships will be invaluable both while pursuing a career and throughout your professional life as they can help guide you up the ladder.

Showcasing Innovation

Domeble Symetri Student Awards is a great opportunity to prove your innovation and problem-solving skills. It highlights your technical and creative abilities, which in turn makes you more appealing to employers who are looking for innovative people who can push the boundaries.

A Significant Resume Booster

Winning even a single award from such a prestigious competition can add great weight to your CV. It not only makes you more employable but can also be the difference between securing your dream job. Having your work recognized by a reputable competition tells employers – you can hack it in this tough industry!

Enhancing Your Portfolio

Not just getting shortlisted, winning or even being nominated in the Domeble Symetri Student Awards is a big gain on your portion because these prestige projects will be added to your portfolio which inevitably boosts its luring strength. This can be a game changer for your work when it comes to jobs or further education as a portfolio makes a big difference in getting an offer.

Competitive Edge

The Domeble Symetri Student Awards – Stand Out in the Competition! You can get invisible open doors from being viewed as a standout amongst the best players in your industry, it causes you to contend at a larger amount – with an elite who has comparative levels of persistence.

Top professionals in the industry provide participants with a sophisticated look into where things currently are and what trends they should anticipate. This knowledge is critical to survival in a rapidly changing profession and being able to keep up with all that you already know.

Challenging Your Creativity

It challenges your creativity as well as technicalities, therefore you deliver quality work. This is essential for growth, as it motivates you to become better and innovate.

Building Lifelong Connections

Finally, the Domeble Symetri Student Awards is a great way for you to get professional exposure and make connections in your respective field that will last long into your career. They can offer support, direction and potential opportunities that will serve you beyond graduation.

What Are The Categories?

Best College / University

The prestigious flagship award for the best college/university will be awarded to the institution that the judges feel has contributed the best entries into the competition that display great technical ability and creative vision.

Best Automotive 3D/CAD design in a Backplate scene

Entries into this category must show an original design developed, originated and built in a 3D software package. The subject matter must be automotive (exterior or interior will be accepted) and can be as retro or as futuristic as you wish. The judges will be looking for technical 3d skills, modelling/surfacing/texturing skills and creative vision.

Best 3D/CAD design in a Backplate scene (Open Category)

Entries into this category must show an original design developed, originated and built in a 3D software package. The subject matter can be anything you choose that is non-automotive, and can be as retro or as futuristic as you wish. The judges will be looking for technical 3d skills, modelling/surfacing/texturing skills and creative vision.

Best Automotive 3D Animation

Entries into this category must show an original design developed, originated and built in a 3D software package. The subject matter must be automotive ( exterior or interior will be accepted ) and can be as retro or as futuristic as you wish. The animation must be a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 3 minutes long. The judges will be looking for technical 3d skills, modelling/surfacing/texturing skills creative vision, and most importantly camera work and storytelling within your animation.

Best 3D Animation (Open Category)

Entries into this category must show an original design developed, originated and built in a 3D software package. The subject matter can be anything you choose that is non-automotive, and can be as retro or as futuristic as you wish. The animation must be a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 3 minutes long. The judges will be looking for technical 3d skills, modelling/surfacing/texturing skills creative vision, and most importantly camera work and storytelling within your animation.

Best 3D Design / Animation – Team Category (Special Open Category)

Collaboration and networking is one of the key skills in developing a career in the creative world of visualisation. This category is specifically designed for a collective group project entry.

Best AI Project (Open Category)

Introducing a new AI category. With the incredible speed, adoption and development of AI applications, we thought it would be a great opportunity for students to have the opportunity to express their creativity using AI.

Best VR Project

The judges are looking for an entry that shows any 3D object or scenes of your choosing in an immersive VR experience. The flow of the scene can be anything of your choosing, but the objective is to capture the immersion of VR in the most creative scenario you can create.

Best CGI Automotive Visualised Image

The criteria for this category is that you are to submit a single finished CGI image in a photographic backplate scene. Your finished image must include a rendered automotive model that is integrated into a backplate, rendered and retouched.

Best Automotive Full CG Scene

This category invites you to submit a complete CG scene that includes an automotive model. In other words, the whole scene must be made of 3D geometry. Your scene can be a virtual environment of any type, or studio scene. The finished image should be presented to show technical rendering and retouching skills as well as dynamic use of camera angles in a CG studio or full CG environment.

Best Full CGI Scene (Open Category)

Entries into this category need to show how you have constructed a scene that is made completely with 3D geometry. The finished image should be presented to show technical rendering and retouching skills as well as dynamic use of camera angles in a CG studio or full CG environment. The subject matter is entirely up to you but can be a scene, a character, VFX, or any subject you desire.

So not only do students get amazing exposure to their work from industry leaders if they enter the Domeble Symetri Student Awards, but it also gets them recognition and even opens doors into career paths in 3D CGI VR or VFX. For many, this competition is not just an award but a launch pad to your full-time career. This is your chance to start a career and get into the industry! So, what are you waiting for?