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We recently held the judging session for our 2021 Domeble Symetri Student Awards at our offices in London, with some of the most respected and talented professionals from the 3D and CGI image and visualisation worlds, which was not just amazing to discuss and judge the awards, but to actually be physically in a room after so long and discuss the industry face to face. As much as we all love working from home, it was great to have us all collected in one place and to openly discuss our industry and just have a general old nerdy chinwag that wasn’t through a computer screen.

One of the discussions we had was around the diminishing expectations of some clients about the quality of work, or indeed the quality of content that is created. The term “it’s good enough” was winced at by all of us, yet we are all experiencing it. So who is dictating the baseline of the perception of “its good enough”, is it, content creators? is it our Clients? or is it the ever-decreasing timelines that we are all subjected to.

The answer I suspect is all of the above. From my perspective, I see this blasé approach as not only dangerous but in many ways disrespectful to the creative skillsets that we all spent so long perfecting. However, that’s just my opinion, and it’s probably shared by many, but at what point does none of that matter and the industry just accepts that “it’s good enough”. I’m convinced the insatiable consumption of content in the modern age is largely to blame, but we are all guilty of feeding that beast and indeed wanting more.

My gut feeling tells me that because a large majority of content is almost a disposable image asset in these modern times, I think this has set that baseline of a quite low standard that has become widely accepted as “good enough”.So the question posed in the title of “When is good enough, not enough”, is surely and forever has been – always!

Here at Domeble we live and die by the quality of our content, and we know from our clients that keep coming back for more, that quality is what they want, and they won’t accept a good enough approach to their productions, and hallelujah to that. Its also fair to say that one size does not fit all, and there is a place for disposable throw away “good enough” content, but our industry is built upon a foundation of creativity, skills and quality, and once you take away the mix of those foundations, whatever you build on top will eventually fall down.

Written by Carl Lyttle- Founder @Domeble.

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